i agree with 1+2+4. 3 should be covered on a cost basis by the attendees. if the cost of a training session is 5000euro (room, lunch, instructor time, etc) and 25 attend, then the cost should be 200euro per attendee, with no affect on the overall ncc budget.
In the first moment, this proposal would prevent people that doesnt go to training sessions to pay it. This would benefit the people in some smaller/far away countries if the NCC wouldnt have a program all around its service region...
I dont know if im right, but i figure, that the main idea for everybody to pay for the training is getting everybody trained -- as it is included. I only see one aspect/situation against it: a trained LIR person exchanges jobs, going into a company that will manage a new LIR. In this case should this LIR pay for the training of its already-trained human resource? Or it is paying for the training that person got some time ago?
About this topic, i have a positive feeling about the recent extending of training courses to DNS-SEC and RRC by the NCC.
Hostmasters and LIR managers that understands the RIPE process well, and also gets training on how to run a LIR effectively helps the RIPE NCC off-load it's work, and should be considered as helping us save costs rather than contribute to them. - kurtis -