Hello, as already discussed in APWG, there're some LIRs, who were opened just to obtain additional /22 IPv4 block from last /8 and shortly after allocation receipt they're "organizationally merged". Part of this problem might be solved by 2015-01 policy proposal. But not all... Question, which I would like to ask is procedure, how RIPE NCC checks validity of informations provided by merged LIRs (for example, how is verified claimed company acquisition and so on). It seems only claims from "merged" LIRs are sufficient to allow merge. I think, some LIR merges were approved by RIPE NCC even in the fact no organizational-merge happens on the market and both organizations remain functional and doing their original business without any change. The only true reason is reducing expenses (pay one LIR instead of multiple ones) after address space is allocated. Another question is, what happens, if "already merged/closed" LIR of some "branch" is reopened? It will receive additional /22? This question is focused to internal RIPE NCC procedures - as community policies doesn't regulate that in detail. But if internal procedure of RIPE NCC is weak and allows such merges without any resist and (very) deep verifications, anyone can easily abuse original spirit of /8 policy. And I think policy spirit is also important - not every situation can be covered in advance by some policy paragraphs - that's not really possible. And policy abusers will be always one step ahead. I think one of RIPE NCC roles is protection of policy spirit, not only policy letter - and allowing such "merges" helps plungers, which're opening short-term LIRs for few months purposely. With regards, Daniel