Hello, Sorry, but the main question in this discussion seems to be wrong. What kind of goal we're trying to reach? To protect personal data from being processed not in that way or purpose they were collected by the RIPE? - but RIPE can't guaranty that the third parties will process data for the legal way or purpose. It will not be guarantied nor by direct access to RIPE's database nor by access via proxy service. The main question we should answer: why personal data are stored in RIPE database? There're two answers on this this question: 1. The only goal ot this data is to provide information to the RIPE ======================================= In this case all personal data should not be visible to any other parties 2. Data must provide contact information to any parties to be able to communicate with the person who described by the personal data object ============================================================================== In this case personal data provided and processed in the same way and purpose that they were collected and no restrictions should be used Axel, I'd like to pay your attention that RIPE (or any other organisation or individual) can: - protect personal data - do not protect personal data That's all. There's no third option As soon we speaking that the limitation of the FREE access to personal data is the means of the personal data protection - we're deceiving ourself. We DO NOT protect personal data. Also, I'd like to pay your attention that /64 IPv6 block should be provided to any End Site (according to ripe-538). So. if the RIPE database contains 2,000,000 ot records - the /64 allocation is enought to get all personal data from the database in a one hour for many-many-many times and it will avoid any RIPE limitations. So, in case of IPv6 access no limitations will work All the RIPE should provide - is the limited access to personal data (but not in the way it was prosed). All data should be stored in RIPE database. And any person should have a choice: to provide free access to this personal data or not. If the End User does not allow to provide free access to his/her personal data - the only one information should be displayed - is the phone (the phone number is not the personal information). It will provide acceptable level of direct communication to the personnel of the resource holder organization (for this type of communication the name of person is not required because it's not the private call and this call maked to "any person who can and may help with the issue"). Nor person's address nor person's name should be provided. Email address should be provided in output from the RIPE database but not the person's email address but the RIPE's robot email address with unique and autogenerated key that provide information to the robot to identify the person and forward email to his/her. Any parties can send email to the person from the RIPE database and this letter will be delivered by the RIPE robot (and robot will resend this letter to the correct recipient) - in this case the initial communication between third parties and the person from RIPE database contains no private information -- Best wishes, Andrey Semenchuk Trifle Internet Service Provider (056) 731-99-11 www.trifle.net