Randy, On Wednesday, 2012-08-29 17:07:14 +0700, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:
naive question before we switch terms. is
erx == legacy
i.e. pre-ncc? no strange corner cases?
ERX stands for "early registration transfer". It was the inter-RIR project (I believe between the RIPE NCC, APNIC, and ARIN) designed to make life easier by getting these out of the ARIN database if they made more sense elsewhere. IIRC, the motivation is that it was a pain for people to deal with ARIN if they were many time zones away, and separated by cultural differences. So, if you got a /16 from SRI back in 1990 but your network is in Denmark, then you probably already deal with the RIPE NCC for other things and would prefer not to have to figure out yet another confusing bureaucracy for updating contact and reverse DNS details on that one network. Plus it means that ARIN only has to deal with Americans, which I guess they like. ;) Looking at it from ARIN's point of view, they initially inherited all of their addresses from Network Solutions, so everything pre-1998 could be considered "legacy". From the RIPE NCC's point of view, these were actively transferred in during 2002, so I'm not sure the same term applies, although I suppose it is as good as any other. For the record, I think the treatment - both now and proposed - of ERX space is fundamentally unfair. OTOH, I also don't think it really matters too much in the long run, and a little unfairness is not the worst thing in the world. :) -- Shane