But I really don't believe that scanned picture often without any phone or address helps traceability. Official documents might...
If I'm The Really Bad Guy, it is only a half of an hour with PhotoShop, isn't it? Even real firm registered with stolen or lost passports in UA or RU is $300 (the cost of one good mass mail).
Look other way: is there some precedents that data helps to eliminate spammers? There is precendence that spammers (and other abusers) hijack address space from the registries, most often "old and not well maintained" address blocks (weak passwords, mail only authentication, and such), and abuse that.
RIPE DB is just database, and if some records is changed - it doesn't help spammers. The aim is to take actions to networks giving them connectivity and announces that networks to the world. -- WBR, Max Tulyev (MT6561-RIPE, 2:463/253@FIDO)