Bijal: BS> As per the below mail, the NCC Services working group chairs decided to extend the BS> review period for 2012-08 until the 1st of October. BS> It would really help us and the authors if we had some more feedback on the mailing BS> list, even a +1 to go ahead or -1 if you feel it's not needed. I would like to avoid abuse reports which makes no sense for me. LIRs are not running networks with PI addressing, so the goal of proposal is incorrect. On the other hand, the community may ask the NCC to make the abuse-c field obligatory for PIs. Gert:
And I do see a certain responsibility on the side of a sponsoring LIR to enable communication to the holder of the address space - after all, this *is* the role of the "sponsoring LIR": facilitate a contractual path between the NCC and the address space holder.
At the moment, LIRs are responsible only for publishing contacts. You can propose to clarify the contractual requirements (RIPE-452). -- Sergey