Hi Carsten, First of all I wanted to thank you for the time you took in looking into this proposal. It’s exactly with clarification questions like yours that I believe the proposal can progress in the (hopefully) best direction for all. In this proposal we assume as “Internet number resources” widely, as all those organisations which hold Internet number resources - and whose information (apart from the legal address) are already appearing in the database. In principle we are mainly talking about companies, not individuals (and for those, we can safely assume that the special protection granted by the provisions of the GDPR have precedence on any other consideration). This policy should also be applicable to legacy holders, in the circumstance where there exist a contractual relationship with the RIPE NCC. Slightly different is the case for LIRs, for which this proposal merely recommends and encourages the publication of the legal address of the customers having an administrative relation. This proposal “targets”, so to say, the legal and corporate department - not the technical branch. I hope this clarifies a bit, and if not, I’m happy to continue the discussion as I think it might be helpful for other readers as well. Kind regards, Sara Marcolla Typed with a very tiny keyboard this mistakes can occur. From: Carsten Schiefner <ripe-wgs.cs@schiefner.de<mailto:ripe-wgs.cs@schiefner.de>> Date: Thursday, 27 Sep 2018, 4:17 PM To: Marcolla, Sara Veronica <Sara.Marcolla@europol.europa.eu<mailto:Sara.Marcolla@europol.europa.eu>> Cc: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net<mailto:ncc-services-wg@ripe.net>> Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] 2018-05 New Policy Proposal (Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder) All - this is *NOT* a statement for either support or objection, but - for the time being - merely a request for clarification. It therefore primarily addresses Sara Veronica Marcolla as the proposer of this. On 27.09.2018 15:10, Marco Schmidt wrote:
A new RIPE Policy proposal, 2018-05, "Publication of Legal Address of Internet Number Resource Holder", is now available for discussion.
The goal of the proposal is for the RIPE NCC to publish the validated legal address information of holders of Internet number resources.
You can find the full proposal at: https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2018-05
Who *EXACTLY* is a "holder of Internet number resources"? I personally have a clear position here - but having read the text at least twice, there still is ambiguity as much as I am concerned: is this the respective LIR, if there is any involved? Is it the actual user of the Internet number resource in question? And even more important: whose task shall it be to validate the legal postal address information before it is being published in the RIPE database: the RIPE NCC itself as the main WG to discuss this is NCC services? The respective LIR, if there is any involved? The proposal appears to be absolutely silent about this quite fundamental question. Kind regards, Carsten Schiefner ******************* DISCLAIMER : This message is sent in confidence and is only intended for the named recipient. If you receive this message by mistake, you may not use, copy, distribute or forward this message, or any part of its contents or rely upon the information contained in it. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete the relevant e-mails from any computer. This message does not constitute a commitment by Europol unless otherwise indicated. *******************