On 21 Oct 2010, at 20:23, Daniel Roesen wrote:
Well, the usual party line brought forward is "if you have an issue, bring it up on the mailing lists". Now we're doing that, and are being suggested to go private with execs first. Hrm.
I refer you to what I said in an earlier posting: please come forward with some constructive proposals. You didn't do that, at least not yet. The issue is at layer-9 or above, possibly in lawyer-land. Neither of us are lawyers or know why the NCC felt it had to take the action it did. So your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to nicely ask the NCC management to explain why copying passports is necessary. Once you have that info, you can raise this on the list for discussion instead of debating speculation. That info would also help someone submit a proposal to amend the policy which upsets you. Any such policy proposal will also need to be circulated, possibly here and in the AP WG. Clear? So now it's up to you. Please get some hard facts and make a positive contribution. That would greatly improve the signal to noise ratio which we'd all appreciate.