Hi, Jeroen Wunnink schrieb: [...]
Also an eyebrow raiser : 'Your customer should become LIR himself'. So now I'd have to make up a story to justify a /21 for him (which he doesn't need yet) rather then a /24 + AS, which is the bare minimum to start routing on the internet ? [...]
you don't need to justify anything to get your /21 Allocation if you become a LIR. It's an ALLOCATION, not an ASSIGNMENT. Don't always mix those two up, totally different things. It's way more simple than requesting PI Assignments if you are a an ISP/Provider yourself. LIR with PA Allocations == Provider/ISPs Customer with PI Assignments == Endusers, not distributing IP space to 3rd parties If your customer is not an enduser but got customers themselves, they should become LIR on their own behalf. I actually don't see the problem. But of course things can be changed, the policy process is open. -- ======================================================================== = Sascha Lenz SLZ-RIPE slz@baycix.de = = Network Design & Operations = = BayCIX GmbH, Landshut * PGP public Key on demand * = ========================================================================