On 25/04/14 15:48, Ulrich Schmid wrote:
on 25.04.14 11:15 Nigel Titley wrote:
First of all, the four options in the Charging Scheme regarding legacy space correspond directly to the four options (sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4) in Policy Proposal 2012-07: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/policies/proposals/2012-07
From the Charging Scheme 2015: - A separate charge of EUR 50 will apply for legacy Internet resources that are registered via a sponsoring LIR.
We have some Universities which got several /24 (C-classes) within a more or less continuous address range. Currently they are registered as single /24 ranges in the Ripe DB. How will these legacy resources counted and/or will it be possible to combine as much as possible /24 to one address range?
I imagine that the same principle used to count PI space would be used. And I see no reason for *not* being able to combine contiguous blocks into one resource. Nigel