Hello Hank,

I support this request. +1

Best regards, Kurt

Am 12.11.21 um 08:03 schrieb Hank Nussbacher:
On 11/11/2021 19:50, Bijal Sanghani wrote:

Maybe this function is available and I have not found it, but I would like for the NCC to add a "view only" user for the LIR Portal.

Currently the 4 different users one can define on a LIR account are:

The Administrator will have full access to RIPE NCC services plus the right to manage other LIR contacts

The Operator will have full access to RIPE NCC services

The Billing user will have access to RIPE NCC billing information only

The Guest user will not be able to view any private details, but can do some limited update requests

Can the NCC add a "View only" user, which would allow the defined user to see all resources of the specific LIR (including RPKI) but not be able to modify anything?

Is this the proper place to request such a change?


Dear all,

Below and shortly online you can find the NCC Services working group draft agenda, any additions or comments please let us know.

Best regards,
NCC Services working group chairs

Date: Wednesday 24 November 2021
Time: 14:30 - 15:15 and 15:30 - 16:15 CET

Chair: Kurtis Lindqvist
Co-Chair: Rob Evans, Bijal Sanghani

Part 1.

A. Administrative Matters (5 minutes)

Select a scribe
Finalise agenda
Approve minutes from RIPE 82

- _https://www.ripe.net/participate/ripe/wg/active-wg/services/minutes/ripe-ncc-services-working-group-minutes-ripe-8 <https://www.ripe.net/participate/ripe/wg/active-wg/services/minutes/ripe-ncc-services-working-group-minutes-ripe-8>2_
_B. RIPE NCC Update
Hans Petter Holen, RIPE NCC (20 minutes)

C. RIPE NCC Cloud Strategy
Felipe Victolla Silveira, RIPE NCC (10 minutes)

D. RIPE Database Requirements Task Force Update
Bijal Sanghani (5 minutes)

Part 2.

E. RIPE NCC Operational Update
Felipe Victolla Silveira, RIPE NCC (30 minutes)

F. NCC Services chair selection (5 minutes)

G. Open Microphone Session (5 minutes)

Z. Any other business (5 minutes)