On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 10:53:02PM +0200, Michael Markstaller wrote:
For a working Internet I'd appreciate a definite, clear, confirmed, current contact for resources in case of abuse etc..
For the n-th time now in this thread: The LIR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for abuse from a sponsored PI range. Same as the NCC IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for abuse from a PA range. As long as people will attempt to MAKE the LIRs responsible for their sponsored PI, I will oppose any such policy. Harassing a LIR for perceived abuse from a PI range wastes your time and pisses off the LIR.
I know some PI-owners (and thats why I fully agree with Randy's position and refused to sponsor some of them over all of the years!) that have 10yrs outdated contacts in the database, no response on abuse for weeks - and no chance for the remaining 99,9% of the honest and simply acting trustworthy people (LIRs) out there to contact them.
That, the sponsoring LIR *IS* responsible for since 2007-01, so any non-contactable PI holders should be shut down when the next payday comes around at the latest. Also the NCC can shutdown LIRs for incorrect information, I assume that to include PI information.
That's the point where I want to know, whom to contact "upstream" to clarify this.. Someone should be able to get contacted (not responsible!)..
A sponsoring LIR *may* be the upstream, in which case the ASPATH should show it. Many LIRs do not route their sponsored PI resources.
Just a suggestion: If its only about privacy, a tradeoff could be: only visible for LIRs in lirportal (?)
That may be acceptable, at least more so than making it uncontrolledly public. rgds, Sascha Luck