This message has two purposes. It is addressed to the ENUM WG with the purpose of determining consensus in this WG on the proposal from Antoin Verschuren. It is addressed to the DB and NCC-Services WGs as an inter-WG communication to alert these WG's to expect a consensus in the ENUM WG and a request from ENUM WG for related changes to the RIPE database. On 3 Oct 2006, at 10:35, Antoin Verschuren wrote:
In order for ENUM registries to be correctly distinguished in the RIPE NCC database, I want to propose a new organization type to be used in the organization object.
Current organization types are: IANA RIR NIR LIR NON-REGISTRY
I would like this list to be extended with the term REGISTRY.
I will note the issue tomorow in the ENUM WG, but need consensus to take place here, so please comment either here or tomorrow in the ENUM WG session.
On 4 Oct 2006, at 09:47, Antoin Verschuren wrote:
I can live with ENUM-REGISTRY, REGISTRY, OTHER or no org-type at all. I cannot live with the org-type NON-REGISTRY.
During his presentation in the ENUM WG, Antoin Verschuren made the following proposal.
In order for ENUM registries to not be misinterpreted in the RIPE NCC database, I want to propose to change an organization type to be used in the organization object. Current organization types are:
NON-REGISTRY I would like this NON-REGISTRY to be changed to OTHER.
I will declare consensus in the ENUM WG unless objections to Antoin's proposal are posted on the ENUM WG mailing list before 12:00 UTC on Thursday, 18 October 2006. Best regards, Niall O'Reilly Co-Chair, RIPE ENUM Working Group