13 May
13 May
12:37 p.m.
JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via ncc-services-wg wrote on 13/05/2020 11:09:
In other regions the proposal have more text, that it is already done in some other ways in other RIPE policies, so here I'm asking if this is done already, and if not, if RIPE NCC is considering it, or they want us to state if a policy suggesting that a dash-board or equivalent is needed. A policy is not a good way of handling this because it means that the RIPE NCC is bound by the terms of the policy. If something needs to change, then the policy needs to change, so changes can potentially take months and are extremely heavyweight.
There's no requirement to burden the NCC with this level of bureaucratic overkill. There are lots of ways to skin a cat. Nick