Hi everyone, I am a PI block IP address holder from Ukraine. My opinion, that freezing all updates is inappropriate and contradicts with RIPE NCC goal to keep RIPE database information reliable. It will bring more harm than benefits to the Ukrainian Internet community. I am surely against the idea of reviewing of requests by national governments due to low credit to some representatives of the government. This significant precedent will obviously open the door to further government intervention and will shut the door for the self-governance model of the Internet in Ukraine. I attentively followed the discussion about Ukrainian IP transfers and I would like to note, that there is a reason why PI block holders don't participate in this discussion despite the decision of transfer restriction will affect them too. First, PI IP block holders are small companies or their activity doesn't relate to the Internet connectivity. Such companies usually don't have budget or interest to attend NCC events. That is why they have a lack of awareness of how the RIPE community is functioning and they simply don't know how to participate. Second, RIPE NCC encouraged PI IP holders to communicate only through their LIRs, so it is fair to consider that LIRs of PI block holders represent their voice here also, in case they don't do it personally. Best regards, Olha Sira