On 30 Jun 2021, at 11:08, Nick Hilliard wrote:
Hank Nussbacher wrote on 30/06/2021 09:17:
Before making a decision, worth the read: https://a16z.com/2021/05/27/cost-of-cloud-paradox-market-cap-cloud-lifecycle...
that makes sense in the context of the companies that the article examined, which is to say companies where the annual spend on cloud services runs into tens of millions of dollars. At that level, there's a clear argument that economy of scale can achieved by in-housing. If the RIPE NCC had the same level of compute requirements as those companies, e.g. dropbox, palantir or zoom, I'd totally be solutioneering an in-house option from my comfy armchair.
Exactly my first impression. On second thought I read this article very much as a strong argument to both recognise and avoid vendor-lock for other reasons besides cost. Quite a few non cost related reasons have been discussed here already. This holds true also for companies smaller sizes than the examples in the article. Of course one should probably not buy kit and rent colo when all one currently has is the proverbial garage and an idea. The RIPE NCC is a little further along after 30 years. Have a nice weekend and stay healthy, Daniel