Well, european initiative on Production Order Regulation is taking us to another path, the one that will allow LEA to contact directly any european company. But we are not there ...yet :-) and MLAR or EIO are the key. Pour une administration exemplaire, préservons l'environnement. N'imprimons que si nécessaire. -------- Message original -------- *Sujet: *[INTERNET] Re: [ncc-services-wg] Get a warrant or direct request ? *De : *Jim Reid <jim@rfc1035.com> *Pour : *ROBINOT Stephane DCPJ SDLC <stephane.robinot@interieur.gouv.fr> *Copie à : *RIPE NCC Services WG <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net> *Date : *10/10/2018 15:16
On 10 Oct 2018, at 13:21, ROBINOT Stephane DCPJ SDLC <stephane.robinot@interieur.gouv.fr> wrote:
So one question might also be : would you agree answering an official request coming directly from a foreign LEA ? IIUC it doesn't work that way.
Overseas law enforcement is supposed to contact the appropriate national law enforcement body and have them make the request on their behalf. Anyone else who approaches a registry should be told to go through the official (MLAT?) channels.