I don't to objections preceding the discussions of the budget decisions, on the contrary - that is the idea with this WG.
This is not only the idea with _one_ WG, this is a general concept which we (many chairs) tried to put to work for a while throuighout the _differnt_ WGs. I have to admit that _I_ have ceased eventually to put it onto my WGs agenda again and again, because I usually saw a few heads nodding approval when an activity (or it's continuation) was proposed, and no dissent. Maybe we should put it again onto our agenda(s) as a standing item...
However, the decision needs to be taken by the NCC membership alone, and not in a public forum.
The public forum is there to work on general consensus, and to gather up all the input from the community at large. The final decision - which usually is to simply agree on the proposed workplan AND TO FOOT THE BILL - rests with the LIRs who are going to see the invoices coming.
This is the AGM.
Best regards,
- kurtis -
And I am still pretty convinced that this is a good structure and the proper way to do it! Wilfried. (for at.aconet's EUR, and the DB-WG)