On 10 Jun 2013, at 10:30, Erik Bais wrote:
First of all, sorry for being a bit late to jump in on the proposal.
I had a question on the procedures, when this proposal is accepted.
Your questions seem to be based on the RIPE NCC's Impact Assessment, rather than on the actual text of the proposal. Because of this, I think it's better for me to leave it to the NCC to answer them rather than to jump in with reactions based on what I think they may have meant. I will make just one exception, where your question refers to a reaction from the NCC which pointed out a gap in the proposal.
One of the other (small) points that I had some questions about is point 2 in the Executive summary:
2. The RIPE NCC often receives requests from Legacy Resource Holders wanting their resources to be considered as space allocated by the RIPE NCC. If this proposal is accepted, the RIPE NCC will have to decline these requests.
Why would the RIPE NCC have to decline these requests?
As written, v3.0 of proposal 2012-07 didn't provide such an option, simply because the authors hadn't considered it. NCC read this as an obstacle to accepting such a request in future. The draft currently in preparation provides explicitly for this case, so that the obstacle should no longer arise. Thanks for asking, Erik. Niall O'Reilly