It is four weeks since the end of the discussion phase of 2023-03.
During the discussion phase there was no support expressed on the
ncc-services-wg list for the policy proposal. Since the end of the
discussion phase a small amount of support has been expressed, as well
as several questions relating to why this was being handled via the PDP
rather than as an NCC process.
During the WG meeting in Belgrade, Athina commented that the NCC
believed that denying members a service that existed in policy
(transfers) was not something the NCC had done before and the NCC
believed that without a policy backing up the process, it opened them up
to liability.
Could I invite the NCC’s legal counsel to confirm that is the case, to
explain what liability the NCC believes they would be open to, and how
the adoption of this policy would reduce that?
Many thanks,
Rob o.b.o NCC Services WG Chairs.