[GM] RIPE NCC General Meeting Agenda With Resolutions Published
Dear RIPE NCC members, The agenda for the RIPE NCC General Meeting (GM) October 2014 is now available at: https://www.ripe.net/lir-services/ncc/gm/october-2013/agenda The agenda contains four resolutions to be voted on by the membership at the GM: - Resolution 1 proposes a new RIPE NCC Conflict Arbitration Procedure - Resolution 2 proposes to increase the maximum number of Executive Board members from five to seven - Resolution 3 proposes to remove the requirement for the Executive Board to nominate a candidate if there are not enough candidates to have an election - Resolution 4 proposes to allow members to submit proof of identity for General Meeting voting in ways other than sending copies of identification papers, e.g. via the LIR Portal Registration and Voting ------------------------------- All the information you need to participate in the GM, whether in person or remotely, is available at: https://www.ripe.net/lir-services/ncc/gm/october-2013 A second invitation to register for electronic voting on the GM resolutions will be sent to members on Thursday, 19 September. If you have any questions about the RIPE NCC General Meeting, or the issues that will be discussed at the meeting, please contact <agm@ripe.net>. Kind regards, Axel Pawlik Managing Director RIPE NCC Important Dates --------------- 15 August - GM registration opens 21 August - Registration for electronic voting opens 18 September - Draft agenda and proposed resolutions posted online by the RIPE NCC 18 September - Draft Activity Plan and Budget 2014 posted online by the RIPE NCC 2 October - Submission deadline for proxy forms 2 October - Submission deadline for proposed resolutions 15 October - Registration for electronic voting closes 16 October - RIPE NCC General Meeting October 2013
participants (1)
Axel Pawlik