Dear colleagues,

Here is our monthly overview of open policy proposals and their stage in the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP). This is the first update since June, as there were no significant PDP developments in recent months.

If you wish to join the discussion about a particular proposal, please do so on the relevant working group mailing list.
The RIPE Forum provides an easy access to all working group mailing lists

Proposals Open for Discussion:
2015-04, "RIPE Resource Transfer Policies"
2016-03, "Locking Down the Final /8 Policy"

Proposal Withdrawn:
2016-01, "Include Legacy Internet Resource Holders in the Abuse-c Policy"
2016-02, "Resource Authentication Key ( RAK ) code for third party authentication"

Proposal Overviews:

PROPOSAL: 2015-04, "RIPE Resource Transfer Policies"
OVERVIEW: Aims to create a single transfer policy with all relevant information on the transfer of Internet number resources, replacing text in several RIPE Policies. The proposal also introduces a 24-month holding period for IPv4 addresses and 16-bit ASNs after any change of holdership.
RIPE NCC IMPACT ANALYSIS: Describes how the 24-month holding period for scarce resources will be applied.
STATUS: Review Phase
DEADLINE: 26 October 2016

PROPOSAL: 2016-03, "Locking Down the Final /8 Policy"
OVERVIEW: The third version aims to ban transfers of allocations made under the final /8 policy. The proposal also defines which IPv4 resources will be added to the RIPE NCC’s available IPv4 pool.
STATUS: Review Phase
RIPE NCC IMPACT ANALYSIS: Describes how the transfer restrictions will be applied.
WHERE TO COMMENT: Address Policy Working Group:
DEADLINE: 17 November 2016


The following proposals have been withdrawn.

PROPOSAL: 2016-01, "Include Legacy Internet Resource Holders in the Abuse-c Policy"
OVERVIEW: Aimed for a mandatory abuse contact for Legacy Internet Resource Holders in the RIPE Database.
STATUS: Withdrawn. The proposers decided to withdraw the proposal due to the inability to find an acceptable agreement which satisfied all parties.

PROPOSAL: 2016-02, "Resource Authentication Key ( RAK ) code for third party authentication"
OVERVIEW: Aims to allow all number resources, in exacts and more specifics,
to be authenticated via an API-key that expires on a certain date.
STATUS: Withdrawn. The proposer didn't see enough community support, especially from the external database holders who would have needed to perform their own development work.

The RIPE NCC provides an overview of current RIPE Policy Proposals here:

During the upcoming RIPE Meeting, the Address Policy Working Group will hold two sessions where ongoing and possible future policy proposals will be discussed. If you can’t attend the RIPE Meeting in person, we invite you to join remotely. A live webcast and IRC chat facility will be available for remote participation.

The two sessions will begin on 26 October at 8:00 and 10:00 (UTC).

Remote participation will be available at:

We look forward to your involvement in the PDP.

Kind regards,

Marco Schmidt
RIPE Policy Development Officer