Dear RIPE NCC members, The Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan and Budget 2014 is now available for your review (PDF): The Draft Activity Plan and Budget is the clearest way that RIPE NCC members can learn about, comment on and ultimately shape the direction that the RIPE NCC will take in the coming year. This year, the Draft Activity Plan and Budget has new “activity status” categories that show which activities are new, which are expanding and which are scaling back. Where the status of an activity has changed, the document shows when the relevant decision was made, who made the decision and why that decision was made. By publishing the draft document now, the RIPE NCC membership has four weeks until the General Meeting (GM) on 16 October 2013 to review and discuss the contents of the document. Further discussion will take place at the GM. We ask that you read the document and provide feedback on the members-discuss mailing list <>. The Executive Board will take note of all feedback and discussions regarding the Activity Plan and Budget before publishing a final version in December 2013. All the information you need to participate in discussions at the GM, whether in person or remotely, is available at: We look forward to hearing your feedback. Kind regards, Axel Pawlik Managing Director RIPE NCC Important Dates --------------- 15 August - GM registration opens 21 August - Registration for electronic voting opens 18 September - Draft agenda and proposed resolutions posted online by the RIPE NCC 18 September - Draft Activity Plan and Budget 2014 posted online by the RIPE NCC 2 October - Submission deadline for proxy forms 2 October - Submission deadline for proposed resolutions 15 October - Registration for electronic voting closes 16 October - RIPE NCC General Meeting October 2013