Dear RIPE NCC members, The RIPE NCC Articles of Association have been updated and are available at: The amendments to the articles were proposed to members and voted on at the October General Meeting in 2018. The first amendment adds clarification to the process of appointing a new arbiter and highlights that the General Meeting has the final word on the appointment of new arbiters (article 12.4). The second amendment notes that the annual report carried out by external auditors does not have to be approved by the General Meeting (Annual Meeting) according to Dutch law (article 13.4). The third approved amendment was intended to improve the procedure to challenge the Executive Board Chairman's verdict at a General Meeting (article 18.2). Unfortunately, this could not be notarised due to Dutch law restrictions. A new proposal will be put forward for voting at the next General Meeting in May 2019. We apologise for this inconvenience. Kind regards, Axel Pawlik Managing Director RIPE NCC