Dear RIPE NCC member, The RIPE NCC is calling for nominations to the RIPE NCC Executive Board. The deadline for submitting nominations is *19 April 2017*. The election will be for three vacant seats and will take place at the RIPE NCC General Meeting (GM) from 10-12 May 2017. The seats are for three-year terms and are to fill the places currently held by Maria Häll, Christian Kaufmann and Salam Yamout, whose terms expire in May 2017. Please submit your nominations or support for candidates via the online form at: All the information on the GM, including the draft agenda and a new video with details on how to register and participate, is available at: The RIPE NCC and its Executive Board encourage all members to participate in the GM and to make their voice heard by voting in the election and on the resolutions. If you have any questions about the GM, please email us at <>. Best regards, Axel Pawlik Managing Director RIPE NCC