Need information

Dear sir, Dear madam, I need some precisions please. Can you explain me the difference between "Direct Assignment Users" and "LIRs" ? The LIRs can make IP assignments for their own customers (for example) and Direct Assignment Users can't. Is it correct ? Best regards, Laurent Clin AXINET France

Moin AXINET -- Laurent, on 2011-07-13 at 15:58:00 CEST, you wrote:
Dear sir, Dear madam,
I need some precisions please.
Can you explain me the difference between "Direct Assignment Users" and "LIRs" ?
The LIRs can make IP assignments for their own customers (for example) and Direct Assignment Users can't. Is it correct ?
Best regards, Laurent Clin AXINET France
I think the FAQ entry under makes it clear. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Frank Altpeter -- Wieske's Crew GmbH, Humboldtstrasse 51-55, D-22083 Hamburg Tel: +49 40 25300720, Fax: +49 40 25300722, Handelsregister: HRB 89043 HH Geschäftsführer: Thomas Wieske, Matthias Kühn | "Oh no, not again." | | - A bowl of petunias on it's way to certain death.

"direct assignment" is an ARIN term for PI space :P think what you mean is this: a direct payment relation between the end-user of PI space and RIPE NCC, with no LIR in between "direct assignment" end-users have PI space for their own setup, and are a direct customer of ripe (pay about the same as LIRs so then they can just as well become a LIR while they're at it ;) there is virtually no advantage to this structure over just becoming a lir. they cannot make sub assignments (as its PI, not PA space) and lately ripe is even making trouble about it being used for shared webhosting as that "appearantly" also assigns ips to "end users of the end user".. (ehh.. how is webhosting different from lets say a gameserver or a telephone exchange - ripe is on crack - with shared webhosting there is also no such thing as "sub assigning individual ips to individual end-users, you assign an x-amount of users to an ip, not an x-amount of ips to 1 end-user ;) they only recently started to make problems about that tho ;) LIRs can request both PI (for customers) and PA space/ASNs (and delegate it to customers or themselves) when registering PI space (what arin calls "direct assignment"), RIPE will usually try to get your customer to become a LIR themselves, and seems to confuse LIRs with ISPs quite a lot (making it quite useless to be a lir as its pretty much impossible to do what a lir is supposed to do, make money on PI and ASN registrations, as each and every time ripe will try to sell -them- a LIR-membership themselves ;) ofcourse a LIR is simply a buro that registers PI address space or PA ip subdelegations and ASNs on behalf of third parties, and does not nessesarily even -own- infrastructure itself, but ripe seems to somehow confuse LIRs with ISPs.. (despite the fact that you can perfectly well treat PA space as PI space and simply not route the parts of it you pimp out to customers, which they can then route themselves, so even with their attempts to "prefer" PA over PI, you can still just give customers semi PI space without much trouble ;) (nobody ever said you had to route it over your OWN ASn's ;) -- Greetings, Sven Olaf Kamphuis, CB3ROB Ltd. & Co. KG ========================================================================= Address: Koloniestrasse 34 VAT Tax ID: DE267268209 D-13359 Registration: HRA 42834 B BERLIN Phone: +31/(0)87-8747479 Germany GSM: +49/(0)152-26410799 RIPE: CBSK1-RIPE e-Mail: ========================================================================= <penpen> C3P0, der elektrische Westerwelle ========================================================================= Confidential: Please be advised that the information contained in this email message, including all attached documents or files, is privileged and confidential and is intended only for the use of the individual or individuals addressed. Any other use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. On Wed, 13 Jul 2011, AXINET -- Laurent wrote:
Dear sir, Dear madam,
I need some precisions please.
Can you explain me the difference between "Direct Assignment Users" and "LIRs" ?
The LIRs can make IP assignments for their own customers (for example) and Direct Assignment Users can't. Is it correct ?
Best regards, Laurent Clin AXINET France

Hi Laurent, That is correct. As a LIR you are allowed to provide your customers IP addresses. Direct Assignment Users are not allowed to give IP addresses to other companies. The IP addresses provided via a Direct Assignment Users agreement should be seen as Provider Independent IP space (Similar as if an end-customer would request that via a LIR). The big difference is that RIPE is acting as the 'LIR' and deals with the end-customer directly. To make things even more interesting ... there are some specific rules that don't apply to LIR's that you would encounter as a Direct End-User. Such as having a requirement for IPv6 multi-homing in order to be eligible for an IPv6 - prefix. As a LIR, you don't have any multi-homing requirement and you can request a IPv6 prefix without questions asked. Also as a LIR, you get a /21 to start with, and you can work with the hostmasters on how to use them yourself or assign them to your end-customers. As a Direct End-customer, you only deal with the hostmasters once. And you get assigned what you require at this moment (up to 3 months.) In case you don't require to provide IP addresses to other companies and all required IP addresses are for your infrastructure only, you could go to either a LIR or RIPE and ask them for PI space. If you intent to hand out IP addresses to other companies / end-users.. You should become a LIR. Hope this helps. Regards, Erik Bais Erik Bais | A2B Internet BV | +31 299 707 115 ( Office ) |<> |
participants (4)
AXINET -- Laurent
Erik Bais
Frank Altpeter
Sven Olaf Kamphuis