Autoresponders and ticket systems

Hi, after taking part in the discussion, the following things happened: 1. I'm informed that Vicente Valero is out of the office. Twice. 2. I am the assignee of tickets #10982 and #10984 (probably 10985, after this message) in Private Layer Inc.'s ticket system. 3. I have issued two orders with Telekom's technical services. 4. I received two empty replies from <>. 5. Anexia GmbH opened two tickets for me as well (663571, 148322). 6. Last, but not least, I now have access to the Solutios support center. To all colleagues involved in this, would you please: a) cancel tickets, accounts and whatever my postings triggered in your automatic systems. b) Remove my e-mail address from your databases immediately. c) Remove your auto-responding robots from this mailing list. At least make them honor "Precedence: bulk" headers. Thanks, Regards, and good night. --ck -- Filoo GmbH Christopher Kunz, Geschäftsführer Web: E-Mail: Tel.: (+49) 0 52 48 / 1 89 84 -11 Fax: (+49) 0 52 48 / 1 89 84 -20 Please sign & encrypt mail wherever possible, my key: C882 8ED1 7DD1 9011 C088 EA50 5CFA 2EEB 397A CAC1 Moltkestraße 25a 33330 Gütersloh, Germany HRB4355, AG Gütersloh Geschäftsführer: S.Grewing, J.Rehpöhler, C.Kunz Folgen Sie uns auf Twitter:
participants (1)
Christopher Kunz