[ncc-announce] RIPE NCC Membership and Stakeholder Survey 2011

Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite you to participate in the RIPE NCC Membership and Stakeholder Survey 2011. The survey is now available and can be found at: http://www.ripe.net/survey2011 This survey will be used by the RIPE NCC to assess its current service offering and shape its strategy for the years ahead. The RIPE NCC carries out these large-scale surveys every three years. They are extremely important in finding out the views of RIPE NCC members on the direction the RIPE NCC should be taking as an organisation. For the first time, the RIPE NCC is also asking for feedback from stakeholders, other than RIPE NCC members, in its service region. These people are engaged in areas relevant to the work of the RIPE NCC and, as such, their opinion is also of value. An independent third party, the Oxford Internet Institute (OII), will conduct the analysis of the data. Any information that may identify the respondent will be removed by the OII and will not be made available to the RIPE NCC or published in the report. Anonymity is completely assured. Please participate in this important survey before the closing date of 10 June 2011. The survey should take 15-20 minutes to complete. To encourage participation and early response, the RIPE NCC will give one iPad to an "early bird" responder, chosen at random by the OII, who completes the survey by 16 May. There will be four more iPads, also chosen at random, from all valid responses received by the closing date. The closing date for the survey is 10 June 2011. We thank you in advance for your contribution. Kind regards, Desiree Miloshevic On behalf of the Oxford Internet Institute and Axel Pawlik Managing Director RIPE NCC
participants (1)
Axel Pawlik