New RIPE NCC Charging Scheme Models

All contracts for any RIPE NCC products or services will be between
The RIPE NCC Executive Board will present a new Charging Scheme to
Hello, the RIPE NCC and a member Last few years it were additional contracts between LIRs and End Users. This thesis is not clear: will be the contracts between LIRs and End Users or they will be cancelled? the membership at the RIPE NCC General Meeting (GM) to be held in Vienna on 2 November 2011.
In Model 1, there is no charge for PI assignments In Model 2, each additional PI assignment incurs a charge of EUR 100
per assignment. This charge is an increase from the current PI charge but better reflects the amount of work the RIPE NCC must do to administer and assign PI space. There's no explanation in the new charging scheme how PI assignments will be calculated, If calculations will be the same as fot charging scheme 2011, charging scheme will be applied to the number of assignments at 30th september 2011. So, since 30th september till 2th november 2011 LIRs will not have any idea about final charging scheme but should sign agreements with End Users. As for me, provided changes shoud be discussed for charging scheme 2013 or discussion of the new charging scheme should be made before 30th september 2011 -- Best wishes, Andrey Semenchuk Trifle Internet Service Provider (056) 731-99-11
participants (1)
Andrey Semenchuk