
On 11 Oct 2016 8:29 p.m., "David Treanor" <David.Treanor@itvt.de> wrote:

Should we therefore also ban email signatures since they are also often referring to the companies we work for and the services provided and therefore performing some kind of marketing?


I would like to reiterate what has already been said here. Can we move on from this? If anyone has a complaint they can address it using the appropriate channels without spamming this list.


Many thanks,




From: Gert Doering
Sent: Tuesday, 11 October 2016 21:04
To: Nacho Mateo
Cc: members-discuss@ripe.net
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Spam from Cyprian Nica / IP Broker Limited (Re: Inquiry regarding availability for subnet x.x.x.0 - y.y.y.255



On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 07:31:32PM +0200, Nacho Mateo wrote:
> I am agree with Tim.
>  Since few years ago many people uses the RIPE database to sell thier
> services, every month I received a lot of calls on my cell to sell
> anything, hardware refurbished: cisco, juniper ...
>  I think Ciprian is a good boy and I he doesn't hurt anybody,

I originally intended to stay out of this discussion, but I really
can't help it.

What exactly are we giving us rules for, if violations are just shrugged
off with "oh, don't bother, just one more mail, who cares"?

There are very clear terms & conditions for use of data in the RIPE DB,
and *no* sort of commercial solicitation is permitted.

So, shall we just stop having terms & conditions at all, because nobody
cares whether they are respected or not?  "He's such a cute boy, he
certainly did not mean harm" - which is totally not relevant.

(Note: I'm speaking as a long term LIR contact here, member of the
community.  No particular hats, otherwise I would point that out)

Gert Doering
        -- NetMaster
have you enabled IPv6 on something today...?

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