Disclaimer : personal views, not necessarily those of my employer etc, yadayada. Nick wrote:
This is my position too: 1. ITU as top down policies entity not compatible with current bottom-top making policies at IP world; 2. Any country may register own LIR and stay involved to using of IPv6 and other number resources; 3. ITU will become as world Internet registry? There is no needs to another RIR or world Internet Registry.
Assuming that ITU is trying to obtain a status similar to that of other RIR's and is not trying to replace ICANN/IANA (it's not exactly clear to me what exactly they are striving for), heaving read and agreeing to all the previous that has being said: <devil's advocate> What would be wrong with allocating the ITU their own /12 (whatever) and let them distribute this among their members. Yes, they will become a worldwide super-RIR, but as long as the other RIR's are not interfered with? As an telco/isp I would have the choice of option: request my IPv6 space from RIPE or from the ITU. As long as they don't interfere with ICANN/IANA or the RIR's, what 'danger' would ITU impose? There is no need for 500 domain registrars and still we have lots of options to choose from. Competition is not a bad thing. </devil's advocate> -- Met vriendelijke groet / Kind Regards, Worldmax Operations B.V. Arjan van der Oest Network Design Engineer T.: +31 (0) 88 001 7912 F.: +31 (0) 88 001 7902 M.: +31 (0) 6 10 62 58 46 E.: arjan.van.der.oest@worldmax.nl W.:www.worldmax.nl W.:www.aerea.nl GPG: https://keyserver.pgp.com/ (Key ID: 07286F78, fingerprint: 2E9F 3AE2 0A8B 7579 75A9 169F 5D9E 5312 0728 6F78) Internet communications are not secure; therefore, the integrity of this e-mail cannot be guaranteed following transmission on the Internet. This e-mail may contain confidential information. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender and erase this e-mail. Use of this e-mail by any person other than the addressee is strictly forbidden. This e-mail is believed to be free of any virus that might adversely affect the addressee's computer system; however, no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. All the preceding disclaimers also apply to any possible attachments to this e-mail.