The Open House was virtual. You can see the slides and recording here:

So we solicited feedback here and on the main membership announce list, and also on the NCC Services WG list. And we pushed it on our news and social media channels. The Open House was just virtual. The discussions at the GM and RIPE Meeting are both physical and virtual.

Hope that helps.

On Thu, May 16, 2024 at 5:49 PM Sebastian-Wilhelm Graf <ripe-members@sebastian-graf.at> wrote:

This was phsical, right? Or was the open house electronic?


On 5/16/24 5:43 PM, Fergal Cunningham wrote:
Hi Sebastian-Wilhelm,

I sent a mail on this to the list a couple of days ago.

All the best,

On Thu, May 16, 2024 at 5:36 PM Sebastian-Wilhelm Graf <ripe-members@sebastian-graf.at> wrote:

Out of curiosity.

How was this feedback gathered? I dont recall (again i could be wrong, if so please link me to when/where the poll was) being asked on feedback regarding this.

Is this just feedback from physical events ?


On 5/16/24 5:25 PM, Gert Doering wrote:
The question on RIPE meeting format & sponsorship came up a few times in
the past, and the room's feedback was "yes, we want to bring in new people
to the community, so please go *out* to places, and *do* subsidize the
meeting, so people can afford to come"...  personally, I see a virtual
RIPE meeting as waste of time.  The point is "meet people, have good
discussions, build a community" which just doesn't work properly in the
virtual format - at least not for me.  Maybe I'm just too old and AI 
will make sure we do not need personal contacts anymore...
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