The voting procedure is “instant run-off” which clearly benefits what RIPE wants – Charging scheme A.
Cards on the table: my LIR will see a substantial increase in our RIPE NCC service fees from the category-based model, but I do not believe the above is necessarily correct. To win, one of the charging schemes must get more than 50% of the vote. If we assume that more than 50% of the members want flat fee, but are evenly split between models B, C and D, then after the first round of voting, A will have 48% (say) of the votes, and the remaining 52% split between B, C and D. At that point, as nobody has > 50%, the lowest of B, C or D will be reallocated to their second preference votes. Presumably most of those will also put another category-based option as their second preference. If you want flat fee, it’s probably important to rank B, C and D according to your preference, but include all of them. If you want category-based, then obviously vote for that. :) Cheers, Rob