
Is it possible for anyone with hidden intentions not to post on this list ?

Henrik, you could just write "I don't vote for Elad" - no need to try to spread lies to the community - can you provide a single proof to the lies that you wrote about me ? as I already wrote - the "source" in the fake media report is a person in "The Spamhaus Project" and an employee of a direct business competitor and also the owner of that criminal twitter account: https://twitter.com/underthebreach

The "source" of the fake media report as you can see in his "anonymous" twitter account linked above - is a master of cyber influence operations - and this is exactly what being done here - spreading of lies and conspiracies and fake theories about me without a single proof.

I didn't share any conspiracies, I only provided a link to a presentation of "The Spamhaus Project" that they wrote on themselves and they presented in a private event - According to their own words they are an illegal anonymous organization.

"The Spamhaus Project" is related to the cyber-security community mainly in Western countries - so indeed Henrik is from the cyber-security community, expect more wannabe "security researchers" to write lies about me.

"The Spamhaus Project" keeps attacking me because they know that if I will be elected I will make sure that they will not hurt anymore any Ripe LIR member.


From: members-discuss <members-discuss-bounces@ripe.net> on behalf of hlk via members-discuss <members-discuss@ripe.net>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 1:25 PM
To: Filip Hruska <fhr@fhrnet.eu>; members-discuss@ripe.net <members-discuss@ripe.net>
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Regarding Elad Cohen's nomination and emails
Hello all, and sorry for top posting mobile device.

The amount of noise generated by Elad Cohen and unwillingness to listen has degraded the lists. Polite rejections of his proposals have quickly degenerated into name calling and conspiracy theories by him.

I am not affiliated with RIPE NCC other than being a LIR, I do not know Elad Cohen before these threads. Quick searches on his name show dubious business practices, as seen with regards to prefix hijacking.

I consider his actions on the list very close to overstepping Code of Conduct, and good intentions. I fully support both him being moderated on the list, and not being eligble for a position as RIPE chair or similar for the moment.

Best regards

Henrik Kramselund Jereminsen, owner of dk.zencurity

-------- Original message --------
From: Filip Hruska <fhr@fhrnet.eu>
Date: 4/27/20 01:05 (GMT+01:00)
To: members-discuss@ripe.net
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Regarding Elad Cohen's nomination and emails

Hello all,

I would like to voice my support for this. The amount of unprofessional conduct in the past 2 or 3 email chains is simply ridiculous and completely unacceptable.

Thank you,

On 4/27/20 12:44 AM, Joseph Marsden wrote:
I support Cynthia's request for a formal investigation.


On 26/04/2020 23:24, Cynthia Revström wrote:
I would also like to formally request that the RIPE NCC investigate if Elad Cohen has breached A.1.2.2.B of RIPE-716.
This is with regards to statements like this:
"Ripe have 30 millions euros of expenses each year that are hidden and now shown to where exactly they are paid, instead of that corruption"

I believe that he does indeed make unreasonable allegations towards the RIPE NCC to damage it's reputation.

- Cynthia

On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 12:02 AM Cynthia Revström <me@cynthia.re> wrote:

I would like to request that Elad Cohen be blocked from sending to the members-discuss mailing lists after multiple offtopic threads started by Elad and the personal attacks and ignoring WG chairs telling Elad to stop.

I would further like to point out that as he is a confirmed candidate for the Exec Board, one of his key responsibilities would be to have the "Ability to communicate effectively", which he has shown that he is not capable of.
I would personally say that elad lacks most of the expectations listed on https://www.ripe.net/about-us/executive-board/ripe-ncc-executive-board-functions-and-expectations.

I would like to propose that the RIPE NCC ban Elad Cohen from interacting with the RIPE Community (via Meetings or mailing lists) due to his blatant disregard for the Code of Conduct and for being hostile towards others in the community. As the RIPE NCC hosts and manages these lists I think the RIPE NCC has a responsibility to keep the lists professional and to remove those who repeatedly ignore what the WG chairs are saying.

- Cynthia

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