Ragazzi avete rotto i coglioni cazzo.
Andate a parlare su un forum, fate un post su linkedin ma non rompete il cazzo qui su processori fpga,risc...

Adesso nella vostra lingua, andatevi a tradurre tutto.

Siete dei maleducati

Please forgive me all others

Best Regards
Roberto Beneduci

Il giorno 1 mag 2020, alle ore 14:02, Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io> ha scritto:


The specs you can see in my first post.

Regarding FPGA - as I already explained in my first post and I need to repeat and to spam the list because of you - any end-device (can it be ASIC / FPGA / Windows operating system / Linux operating system / etc) will not be able to speak IPv4+ unless it will be updated/upgraded, but even if it will not be updated/upgraded it will still be able to speak IPv4 exactly like it is now, the internet will not break, it will just be able to reach IPv4 destination addresses - exactly like it is working now.

Now let us all be quiet and respect the list.


From: members-discuss <members-discuss-bounces@ripe.net> on behalf of Vevida Hostmaster <hostmaster@vevida.com>
Sent: Friday, May 1, 2020 2:38 PM
Cc: members-discuss@ripe.net <members-discuss@ripe.net>
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Good to know

On 01-05-2020 13:11, Denys Fedoryshchenko wrote:
> This mailing list, IMHO, is not intended for such technical
> discussions at all.
> Starting with the fact that most likely relevant experts not present
> here,
> who can give reasoned answers/proposals
> (for example, those who develop chipsets for network equipment).
True that. This is no place for that. Buteven *if* there would be
someone who actually created an FPGA or three for routing he would still
continue to talk bullcrap, and say that he would not know what he talks
about, bending the subject.

Fact is, there only hollow words, no spec, no RFC, no PoC, no nothing.



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