I've just made another announce to ncc-announce and the situation is far worse there. I've had 40 ticket responses so far and they are still flooding in.


On 29/03/15 14:01, Elvis Daniel Velea wrote:


Please verify your subscriptions in the LIR Portal and stop sending me auto-replies.

1. rmplc-reject@rmplc.co.uk said:
> Your email to discuss@ripe.net has not been delivered.
> The POP3 email service for domain rmplc.co.uk has been ceased. You will need to contact the intended recipient via another means.
that even looks like a bad error, my e-mail has reached the list!

2. do-not-reply@tickets.denit.net said:
> I'm afraid to say that I was unable to deliver your email with the subject 'Re: [members-discuss] [ncc-announce] [GM] Draft RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2016'.
> None of the addresses which your message was addressed to matched one which I can accept e-mail for. Please retry your message or contact the system administrator for further information.
Denit, of your subscribed employee no longer works there, maybe you should login to the LIR Portal and update the subscription e-mail address.

3. sympa@list2.orange.com said:
> Your message for list 'rus-conf.ipregs' (attached below) was rejected. 
> You are not allowed to send this message for the following reason:
> you are not allowed to perform this action.
> For further information, please contact rus-conf.ipregs-request@list2.orange.com
Bad filter? C'mon Orange.. you can do better.

4. support@arcade.ch said:

>Elvis Daniel Velea,
> Sehr geehrter Kunde Das ist eine automatisch generierte Antwort, die den Eingang Ihrer Nachricht bestätigt. Wir werden Ihr Anliegen bearbeiten. Sollten Rückfragen unsererseits nötig sein, wird sich einer unserer Mitarbeiter so schnell wie
> möglich mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen. Wenn Sie uns auf diese Bestätigung antworten möchten, stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass die Ticket ID in der Betreffzeile für uns weiterhin sichtbar bleibt. So können wir Ihre Antwort richtig zuordnen.
>   Ticket ID: MHJ-500-20375
>   Betreff: Re: [members-discuss] [ncc-announce] [GM] Draft RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2016
>   Abteilung: arcade - service desk
>   Typ: Issue
>   Status: Offen
>   Priorität: Normal

Ticketing systems subscribed to the mailing list? A new ticket with every response? I bet your colleagues handling these tickets are very happy, arcade solutions...


Elvis Daniel Velea

Chief Executive Officer

Email: elvis@V4Escrow.net
US Phone: +1 (702) 475 5914
EU Phone: +31 (0) 61458 1914

Recognised IPv4 Broker/Facilitator in:

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