Hi Claudiu, Am 17.02.2016 um 15:26 schrieb Claudiu Foleanu:
No it`s not bad to sell ip`s. It`s bad that the people are abusing the system. It`s bad that small companies that had a /22 a /24 etc.. have the resources allocated taken away, and sold for profit. [...]
can you elaborate on how these small companies have resources taken away from them? I can't imagine how that works. Who forces these companies to give their resources up? I've noticed that a company called "IPv4 Management SRL" (www.ip.ro) from your country is selling a lot of smaller IPv4 blocks like all the time. It seems like they are the predominant seller in the RIPE market judging from <https://www.ripe.net/manage-ips-and-asns/resource-transfers-and-mergers/transfers/ipv4/ipv4-transfer-statistics> Do they have something to do with what you described? Cheers Markus