did not understand where to specify the country?

2018-03-05 14:46 GMT+03:00 Janos Zsako <zsako@iszt.hu>:
Dear Sergey,

William, I'd like to see the same information given here: https://www.ripe.net/participate/internet-governance/internet-technical-community/the-rir-system/list-of-country-codes-and-rirs, but in a format one can parse.

Well, you _can_ parse the page easily, if you want. If you look at the source,
you will find a table with all rows like this:

<td class="cc-grey">AFGHANISTAN</td>
<td class="cc-grey">AF</td>
<td class="cc-grey">AFG</td>
<td class="cc-grey">APNIC</td>

It is pretty easy to write a small script (e.g. in awk) to put the data in
your preferred format.

Of course, the question remains whether the _content_ of the page is the one
you were looking for.

Another caveat is that the RIPE NCC may change the format of the page and
then you may have to rewrite the script...

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

On 03/05/2018 02:03 PM, w@william.co.il wrote:
Ho do you define "corresponding"?
Eg. A LOT of LIRs are incorporated in UK but do not use any space there, or even have any business there.
I am not even incorporated in Europe, yet use all my space there.


On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 10:29, Sergey S. <gforgx@fotontel.ru> wrote:


    RIPE NCC publishes the list of countries and corresponding RIRs here:

    Unfortunately, it's an HTML page and not a plain text/CSV/JSON/XML (or
    any other format one can parse automatically). Does IANA (or any other
    body) publish it this way? Actually, what would be the proper way to map
    a country (or country code) to the respective RIR?

    Thank you!

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