the point is that the “market” will reach a natural cap sooner rather than later meaning it becomes financially more viable to put down v6 infrastructure and networking and use transition methods like 6to4 than it is to keep purchasing v4 space

IPv6 deployment will only become a widespread reality once people realise theres nothing to gain from consistently paying more and more for v4 address space and trying weird and wonderful ways to extend the useful lifetime of a legacy addressing scheme that had a replacement scheme defined 20 years ago now!

CG-NAT solutions are ultimately not a particularly scalable solution long term either because the resources required to do this properly at scale is in my opinion are prohibitively expensive and theres a reason that the bigger ISP’s have not done this to date. this also doesn’t solve the problem for infrastructure access like providing content to customers (websites/streaming/dns/caches etc) all CG-NAT solutions will do is succeed in driving the market price of addresses up and give people an excuse to put off v6 deployment a little bit longer

the overarching point is people need to smell the coffee and start sorting out v6 now while they have time to avoid nasty surprises later on and we should stop worrying about increasing methods to “game” the system because its ultimately a temporary problem that will go away soon enough.

I’d favour approaches that better assist LIR’s with V6 awareness/training etc than wasting time on a temporary problem such that any "solution" only prolongs the inevitable by only a relatively small amount of time anyway

Anthony Somerset,
Technical Director,

Cloud Unboxed Limited

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On 18 Feb,2016, at 14:55, Denis Fondras <> wrote:

however the flip side of this is an enforced shortage of IPv4 because of its
consumption will also force people to actually act on getting onto IPv6

Proof needed. From what I see there is no shortage of IPv4.
I know RIR are short (or done for some) on IPv4 but considering the amount
available on market, there are plenty of IPv4 available. Emptying the free pool
of RIPE won't help IPv6, it will only exclude future and small players of this
double-stack Internet.

Speaking of IPv6, many prefer to invest in CGN or any technology expanding the
life of IPv4 than deploying the current Internet Protocol (and when you buy a
box to do CGN you don't have money to replace that older gears that doesn't
support IPv6). 20 years wasn't enough to deploy, how a handful month could be ?


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