We have also used the service in order to find IP resources available for transfer in order to not having to rely on the constant spam from various entities about available resources. It’s in my opinion much better to have a listing service provided by RIPE where we on the receiving end of transfers can clearly see which LIR we are dealing with and whether the resources are available for permanent transfer or not, before reaching out to arrange a deal. Saves time, and avoids the need to deal with various IP brokers that may or may not do honest business (not insinuating any specific broker is bad, it’s just that I don’t know that).

So I would be sad to see the service go and also wonder why a full re-implementation of it would be needed as it seems to be fulfilling it’s purpose today? It’s also just a matter of time until the remaining IPv4 resources are so few that people will have to push through an IPv6 implementation whether they want to or not, surely we could keep this simple but in my mind effective service online until then?

Johan Hedberg
Senior Systems Engineer 
Mobile: +46 708 474186

www.citynetwork.eu | www.citycloud.com

ISO 9001, 14001, 27001, 27015 & 27018 CERTIFIED

On 10 Jun 2020, at 13:44, David Knell <david.knell@telng.com> wrote:


We used the listing service for reaching interested parties while taking offers. Having such a list brings the right people together.

If there was no such list, we had to contact a broker.

In my opinion this service is useful and should continue to its life.

Thank you - those views echo ours.  There's also the possibility of more LIR contact spam if there's no legitimate way for sellers, buyers and brokers to find each other.


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