Dear William,

> I think you confuse a lot of things here and your information is flawed, 
> these are *not* RIPE objects, these are ARIN spaces which just happen to 
> have a route and inetnum object in the RIPE DB (see ARIN DB, which is 
> authoritive for HP and Daimler networks)... 
O! Yes, thank you. This 2 in ARIN DB for now.

> WIND Legacy ( and .4-.95.0.0/16 on AS1267 ASN-INFOSTRADA)
They have routes, but not pay for this resource to RIPE. May be all this IPs in use. But I very sceptical that they use all 5 miliones IPs. Anyway they don't pay for this resources. And it is Legacy right now.

> Case 3. Inetnum: (16 777 216 IPs ). EARLY-REGISTRATION. 
> UK Government Department for Work and Pensions.

>   a) For free (legacy).
>   b) This network doesn't have any routes. 

What about this /8 network? It is legacy and doesn't have any routes.

> Case 5. Inetnum: - ( 3 604 480 IPs )
> ASSIGNED PI. Electricite de France.

>   a) Based on current and new charging scheme RIPE will charge for this
> resource only 50 EUR.
>   b) This network doesn't have any routes. 

The same.

Do you need another examples?

Case 6. Inetnum: - ( 196 608 IPs ). ASSIGNED PI. Global Crossing.
   a) Based on current and new charging scheme RIPE will charge for this resource only 50 EUR.
   b) This network has routes for part of space (

Case 7. Inetnum:  - ( 131 072 IPs ). ASSIGNED PI. KBC Group NV
   a) Based on current and new charging scheme RIPE will charge for this resource only 50 EUR.
   b) This network doesn't have any routes. 

Case 8. Inetnum: - ( 131 072 IPs ). ASSIGNED PI. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
   a) Based on current and new charging scheme RIPE will charge for this resource only 50 EUR.
   b) This network doesn't have any routes. 

Case 9. Inetnum: - ( 131 072 IPs ). ASSIGNED PI. Atos Origin.
   a) Based on current and new charging scheme RIPE will charge for this resource only 50 EUR.
   b) This network has routes.

Case 10. Inetnum: - ( 131 072 IPs ). ASSIGNED PI. BT Italia S.p.A. (formerly Albacom S.p.A)
   a) Based on current and new charging scheme RIPE will charge for this resource only 50 EUR.
   b) This network has routes.

I suggest to stop charge 50 EUR for each PI resource. We have a lot of examples when company can use more than 100 000 IPs and pay 50 EUR to RIPE. And we have a lot of LIRs which pay 2000 EUR Sign-up Fee and 1300-1800 EUR every year and use 512-1024 IP. The contribution from membership and value are too different.

Alexey Ivanov
LeaderTelecom Ltd.