I like the "v6 or die" approach, time for a shakeout :P we can get rid of all the clueless "competitors" (mostly owned by the MAFIAA anyway ;) in one day, by shutting down ipv4 :P bye bye time warner telecom etc :P On Fri, 5 Aug 2011, Brandon Butterworth wrote:
regarding the ipv4 address space, we've actually tried to announce some e-class space over the past days, appearantly, most, if not all, routers filter it.
Interesting, but doesn't matter, v4 is dead, get over it (as you eloquently explained previously)
furthermore, we've found a bunch of legacy ranges, which are not announced at all, so if the DoD and IBM would be kind enough to hand them over to ARIN/IANA, that would be appreciated
No, that'd just give people an excuse to put off v6 for even longer.
v6 or die.
don't see why "the prudential insurance company of america" would need an /8, clearly they don't see the point of it themselves either, as they don't announce a single ip out of it :P
You're not allocating it to them so it doesn't matter what point you see.
Back when it may have been of use I agreed, space allocated for non internet use could have been considered a different non overlapping realm and the entire space used on the internet regardless of any private allocations for non internet use. However that wasn't how it was chosen to be done and again it no longer matters as it's history now.