Hello, folks!

That's good conversation. I'm representing VPS service company. We bought multiple /20 and /21 subnets at last 2 years.

But actually there really big injustice exists here! 

I've followed all RIPE guidance and request resources only when they really required for next 3-6 months. I have 95% subnet utilization in each network! All my IP addresses really used.

But I known so much LIR's who just ignore RIPE rules and requested bunch of /18, /16 networks many years ago.... just because they can. Right now almost all this networks are on IPv4 market.

And I should pay my money to persons which violated RIPE rules for a long time. 

Than't really weird, isn't it? 

On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 5:34 PM, Radu Brebu <dial@dialcube.ro> wrote:
Hi all,

This is a socialist way of thinking, you are free (ipotetic speaking) to open another lir and satisfy your VPS needs no? some companies prefer to plan their business long term. In my opinion it's not ok to prioritize resources keeping in mind only the need. We are leaving and doing business in a capitalist environment, buying resources it is what is all about.

On 02/11/16 16:19, José Manuel Giner wrote:
I agree with it. We need IPs to continue providing VPS servers, and other LIRs with unused prefixes, no sense...

On 11/02/2016 15:09, Aleksey Bulgakov wrote:
Hi, all.

 I think, it is better to return unused allocations, received before
 2012, to the NCC pool.

 Kind regards,
 Aleksey Bulgakov
 FastTelecom, CEO
 7 926 6908729

14:02, 11 февраля 2016 г., Nigel Titley :

    Dear colleagues,

    The RIPE NCC Executive Board would like to ask the membership to
    the issue of RIPE NCC members opening additional LIR accounts.

    There were comments at the RIPE NCC General Meeting (GM) in November
    2015 that members having the ability to open additional LIR accounts,
    each of which can request a /22 of IPv4 address space, may run against
    the spirit of the last /8 policy. In light of this, the Board
    decided to
    temporarily suspend the ability of RIPE NCC members to open additional
    LIR accounts.

    The RIPE NCC began to allocate IPv4 address space from the last /8
    policy on 14 September 2012. Since that time the RIPE NCC has
    more than 8,600 /22s, yet there remains 0.94 of a /8 still in the

    The Board asks the membership to provide their opinion on and discuss
    the following points:

    1. Is the activity of members opening additional LIR accounts a
    that must be prevented?

    2. If this activity is a problem that must be prevented, what action
    should the RIPE NCC take to attempt its prevention?

    Statistics pertinent to this discussion are available in this
    article on
    RIPE Labs:

    The Board asks that members discuss this issue on the Members Discuss
    mailing list .

    The Board will monitor the discussion and will review it at the next
    Executive Board Meeting on 31 March 2016. Depending on the outcome of
    that meeting, the Board may propose a resolution for members to
    vote on
    at the RIPE NCC General Meeting in May 2016.

    Best regards,

    Nigel Titley
    RIPE NCC Executive Board

If you don't want to receive emails from the RIPE NCC members-discuss
mailing list, please log in to your LIR Portal account and go to the general page:

Click on "Edit my LIR details", under "Subscribed Mailing Lists". From here, you can add or remove addresses.

If you don't want to receive emails from the RIPE NCC members-discuss
mailing list, please log in to your LIR Portal account and go to the general page:

Click on "Edit my LIR details", under "Subscribed Mailing Lists". From here, you can add or remove addresses.

Sincerely yours,  Pavel Odintsov
CTO, FastVPS Eesti OU