You have not convinced me, I make no money from IPv6.
I have no incentive to push IPv6 or downplay IPv4 or IPV4+
Your idea is flawed and that’s that.
Stuart Willet.
From: Elad Cohen []
Sent: 26 April 2020 11:00
To: Stuart Willet (primary) <>; Sander Steffann <>
Cc: Gert Döring <>;
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Technical solution to resolve the IPv4 Exhaustion problem and to add more 4, 294, 967, 296 IPv4 addresses that are needed in the world
The people that responded are not reflecting the opinion of the vast majority of internet companies and internet organizations - which needs IPv4.
Each and every person that I wasn't able to convince as you wrote is an active deployer of IPv6 and earns his money from deploying IPv6.
From: Stuart Willet (primary) <>
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2020 12:54 PM
To: Elad Cohen <>; Sander Steffann <>
Cc: Gert Döring <>; <>
Subject: RE: [members-discuss] Technical solution to resolve the IPv4 Exhaustion problem and to add more 4, 294, 967, 296 IPv4 addresses that are needed in the world
You are now making yourself look a little paranoid and silly.
Stuart Willet.
From: members-discuss []
On Behalf Of Elad Cohen
Sent: 26 April 2020 10:53
To: Sander Steffann <>
Cc: Gert Döring <>;
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Technical solution to resolve the IPv4 Exhaustion problem and to add more 4, 294, 967, 296 IPv4 addresses that are needed in the world
Sander is taking part in an illegal cyber influence operation against me.
Sander, instead of lying and acting like a coward with other interests, go ahead and ask me publicly any question that you would like regarding IPv4+ and you will be answered.
From: Sander Steffann
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2020 12:40 PM
To: Elad Cohen
Cc: Gert Döring;
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Technical solution to resolve the IPv4 Exhaustion problem and to add more 4, 294, 967, 296 IPv4 addresses that are needed in the world
> What being done here is a cyber influence operation against me, after I'm only trying to do good to the community.
> Sander, you didn't mention any flaws, can you please write them here and I will answer each and every one of them ?
This is not the place Elad. Many flaws have been pointed out to you already, but you just dismiss them. Take this to the IETF, you'll feel right at home… *
* for those who don't follow the IETF, there is an appeal ongoing about IETF chairs and ADs ignoring inconvenient questions and objections