On 1-5-2020 14:39, Dominic Schallert wrote:
Dear community,

today I want to present you with our technical solution to prevent ELAD-19 related spam and harassment from flooding inboxes. This technical solution is minimal invasive and can be implemented on all mail servers running spamassassin with ease. Please find the following spamassassin header and body rules below:

header SC_HEADER_100		From =~ /Elad Cohen/
describe SC_HEADER_100		ELAD-19 Campagin
score SC_HEADER_100		100

header SC_HEADER_101		From =~ /elad\@netstyle.io/
describe SC_HEADER_101		ELAD-19 Campagin
score SC_HEADER_101		100

body SC_BODY_102			/Elad Cohen/i
describe SC_BODY_102		ELAD-19 Campagin
score SC_BODY_102			100

While I really appreciate encouraged people coming up with innovative ideas and proposals within the network operators community, this particular discussion including repeated harassment against members of the community - from my personal point of view - is just not the culture we should establish within this community. Please note that the solution presented above is just our new way of dealing with this matter, it’s neither a proposal nor a recommendation for others.

All the best and wish you a happy (and hopefully spam free) weekend!

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