Dear Members,
Do you know that:
- Top 20 LIRs use 33% Allocated PA space.
- Top 20 LIRs pay (membership fee) 0,6% of Total Income.
- 88% of LIRs use only 10% Allocated PA space.
Pareto principle works in our case excellent! Companies which use 3-5 millions Allocated PA addresses pay only 5500 EUR to RIPE. Small LIRs which have 2048 Allocated PA addresses pay 1300 EUR.
As per current situation RIPE has:
- ALLOCATED PA.         18K subnets which are 578 millions IPs.
- ASSIGNED PI.              31K subnets which are 110 millions IPs.
- EARLY-REGISTRATION.  3K subnets which are 97 millions IPs
I’ve made all the necessary calculations and suggest the following proposals/thesises for future Charging Scheme:
1. All PI networks must have sponsoring LIR.
2. It is necessary to calculate the size of LIR by the total count of used PA space and sponsorised PI. 
As I said about 30% of whole allocated PA space (176 mln PA IPs) use only Top 20 LIRs. Let name them as Group 1. So these LIRs in Group 1 should pay according to the count of used IPs. According to their size they would have discount (amount of payment should be divided into 5).
The next Group 2 of LIRs (from 31% to 60% after top) – it is about 80 other LIRs. Their payment amount will be counted equivalent to each other because they use approximately the same amount of resources (like arithmetic average).  Their discount would be as payment amount divided into 4.
The next Group 3 of LIRs (from 61% to 80%) – it is about 245 LIRs. They are counted as previous Group 3 but discount is dividing of payment into 3.
Group 4 – it is 583 LIRs. Discount – into 2. Calculation – the same.
Group 5 – it is about 6844 LIRs. No discount. Calculation – the same.
So the total cost of member it is a sum of payment for Internet Resources (PA, PI) + fixed fee which is 950€.
950€ will stimulate people for IPv6 using. Also this fee includes costs for trainings, meetings and /24 IPv4 for new LIR.
See below payment amount for PA space for each member of Group:
Group 1: Cost from 70k€ to 280k€.
Group 2: Cost from 16k€ to 77k€.
Group 3: Cost from 5k€ to 22k€.
Group 4: Cost from 2,4k€ to 7k€.
Group 5: Cost from 1k€ to 3,8k€.
Also you will see some overlaps here (like 77k and 70k; 22k and 16k etc.). This is because of discounts (see above).
And after my full analyzing I consider that it is better for RIPE NCC to stay a non-profit organization.
If this Charging Scheme will look like taxable one then we will divide amount members not in just five Groups but in more amount of them (something like ten or so). In this case all members within one Group will pay the same fee. 
In total the whole sum of payments of LIR will be equivalent of annual Budget of RIPE NCC.
Best regards, 
Alexey Ivanov
LeaderTelecom Ltd.