15000 euro + 100 euro per object is looking like little bit expensive against existing 3400 euro + 50 per object. Am I right? Also we need to contact all our customers and describe them why do we decide to double their annual fee. I'm sure not all our customers agree with this payment because they'll be forced to pay more than XXS annual fee. Currently our customer pay: 50 euro per PI IPv4 + 50 euro per AS + 50 euro per PI IPv6 + 75 euro our fee. If Model2 scheme will be approved end customers will be forced to pay 375 euro (more than XXS LIR registration).
Other than the "new" versus "old" charging bands, the only difference is the increase from EUR50 per resource to EUR100 per resource.
-- Andrei Kushnireuski Alfa Telecom s.r.o. REGID: cz.alfatelecom nic-hdl: AK1065-RIPE phone: +420226020360