I have closed several deals via IPv4 listing service.
I wish you all the best in Your business.

On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 12:53 AM Michał Dąbrowski <michal@euro-net.pl> wrote:

On 21.08.2023 22:43, Sergey Myasoedov via members-discuss wrote:

Dear Jakub,
I consider it selfish to use a mailing list of 20.000+ RIPE NCC members for your personal/company request of /24. Sending a message to a broad audience is very typical for spam.

Why do you think you will succeed in business when using such an inappropriate method for supplier search?

Did you hear about IPv4 Listing Service section of LIR portal?
+1 from me, to both parts of the answer.

Kind regards,
Sergey Myasoedov

On 21. 8. 2023, at 22:13, Jakub Osuch <jakub.osuch@techgroup.pl> wrote:

Dear Members
I am looking for class /24 for my company.
Please send me offer via email.
Jakub Osuch
Jakub Osuch
mobile +48501203739


Jakub Osuch
mobile +48501203739