I've asked the exec-board @RIPE during the AGM in Rotterdam to review the status of the Broker page as it has serviced its purpose and currently end-customer are confused by the page as it is presented as a certified Broker status with the RIPE NCC.
The RIPE NCC isn't responsible for the actions of any of the companies listed on the RIPE website, but as it is currently confusing for end-customers, it is best to take it down in my opinion.
In contrast, after the AGM I sent an email to the Exec Board suggesting they consider retaining it. I'm also fed up with broker spam, whether it's via email from companies like Supplity, or Twitter replies to discussion on IPv4 run-out from IPv4 Escrow. However, I have suggested to my customers that should they want to engage in the murky world of address sales, as either a buyer or a seller, it's better to use one of the brokers that have agreed to abide by the NCC's rules, than one which hasn't. Cheers, Rob