I fully support that the price per IPv4 should be "the more you ask, the more Euro/IP you pay" That should boost the IPv6 development: 1) large system will move towards IPv6 2) content (which is available more on large networks than in small system) will be available under IPv6 and that will also boost small system to move toward IPv6 Thank you
Sven Olaf Kamphuis wrote Saturday, August 06, 2011 3:14 PM
a flatrate billing model and ditching that 2007-01 policy would indeed, be preferred over more complex methods.
I would also prefer a Flatfee for every RIPE member including all services without any "discrimination" (like PI assignment fee, extra pricing for additional ASN, ...) in combination with a price per IPv4 address for LIRs holding more than /12 addresses.
As extra large members control the core Internet infrastructure and do profit in a large scale from the current infrastructure these companies should have a strong motivation on putting forward the IPv6 deployment.
The current charging scheme results in the opposite in my opinion: Large and extra large RIPE members currently do not seem to have any motivation to move forward to IPv6 as they currently benefit the most from the sneaking shortage of IPv4 resources on holding most of these (resources and reserves) by now. 40k or 0,00236...€ per IP (wiwi proposal) are less than peanuts for extra large companies.
0,02-0,05€ per IP for extra large members sounds more reasonable for me and should lead to a strong step toward IPv6, soon. The funds of this charge for extra large IPv4 resource holders could be spend purposive on IPv6 deployment.
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